Is there a difference between traditional smoke detectors vs. monitored fire alarms in Philadelphia?

In the Philadelphia smoke detector vs. monitored fire alarm debate, it's clear that a monitored fire alarm is the preferred option"> for your family. Smoke detectors are an essential consideration in guarding your house from fire, but they have a few concerning drawbacks. Alternatively, monitored fire alarms offer more ways to detect an emergency and can contact help when the unthinkable happens. Connecting your fire alarms to a home security system also brings out many other benefits that your common smoke detectors can only hope for.
Traditional smoke alarms can only do this one thing
Defending against fire is a crucial consideration, and smoke detectors perform a critical part in shielding your family. However, smoke detectors have various drawbacks. For instance, they can only identify smoke, not extreme temperatures. When there is a blaze starting in your residence, you may not be cautioned until the smoke ascends to the smoke detector. While there are additional unmistakable signs of fire -- like a marked heat increase -- if there's no smoke, you will fail to get a sounding of your smoke detector.
What’s more, smoke detectors only beep if they encounter an adequate amount of smoke. In the event a fire creeps along slowly at first, you might not be alerted until the flames are out of control. Various smoke detectors employ more than one sensor, meaning they will be able to perceive smoke from both a blazing inferno and something less intense. If they start beeping, it's up to the resident to contact the fire department after exiting the residence.
Monitored fire alarms provide more value than standard smoke detectors
Although they have a similar appearance to regular smoke detectors, monitored fire alarms can do much more. If connected to a comprehensive home security package, they will:
- Identify fire with different sensor types: Similar to an ordinary smoke detector, this monitored component will trigger from an intense fire or one that has just started smoking. It will emit an easily audible beeping whenever it recognizes a potential disaster.
- Discover fire due to a sudden temperature increase: Your monitored fire alarm can even trigger if it senses an uncommon increase in heat. Many times, heat is noticed before smoke. Having additional methods to identify a fire equates to more methods to protect your loved ones.
- Warns your dedicated monitoring representatives: Fires can take place when you are on site or somewhere else. Either way, your fire alarms will notify your monitoring specialists, who are able to quickly place a call to emergency services. When every tick of the clock is critical, it's great to realize that somebody is constantly keeping a watch of your home.
- Integrates with home automation: Even though the primary job of a fire alarm is to recognize an emergency and call for monitoring agents, it can also join forces with other automated devices. To illustrate, a triggered alarm could prompt your system to turn on the exhaust fan to slow the flames or initiate smart light bulbs so you may see the quickest path out of the property.
Your monitored fire alarms are part of a fully equipped smart home
The easiest way to optimize your fire alarms is to connect them with a Vivint home security system. Speak with a Vivint expert today and discover the most suitable smart home for your requirements. Place a call to (267) 493-0789 or submit the form on this page to take the first step toward a safer property.